

How come that these days people are complaining about everyone and everything? And for some reason this trend appears to be growing stronger. But why?

This only causes negative energy flowing around, and present negative energy attracts only more of it.

And, let’s be honest, we have the choice to go for something else instead, but since people have wrapped themselves up in this negativity, that is where they remain. Unconsciously.

Our mind is a very powerful thing, more powerful than we might fathom. And yes, thoughts do indeed become things, so let’s focus on the good ones. Let positive energy flow through.

Let’s do a little exercise here. Find yourself a quiet and tranquil spot, sit down and let every burden fall off you. Now only concentrate on your breathing. And then there it is, the first though appearing. You’ll follow it, and then at the same time there’ll be another thought popping up. So what kind of thoughts are they? Good ones or negative ones?

Even when we are fully engaged in a conversation or a task the thought machine is working at full speed. We are just not aware of our mind’s work. But it is our thoughts that determine whether we feel good or not, whether there is positive or negative energy surrounding. And once we become aware of this thought machine we have the power to program it. There’s different ways of training awareness, e.g. meditation or by simply continuously asking yourself: “What am I thinking right now?” Then listen to this thought, let it go, and concentrate on something that makes you feel good like a good memory of someone, of a vacation or of a recent success. Once you start consciously concentrating on the good things, more of these positive thoughts will start pouring in. As a result, this will make you feel better, and everything will be much easier. So go and grab the good things.

In the evening you can already remind yourself that the next day will be a good one. Already see it in your mind, and picture yourself woohoo-ing when getting up in the morning. Embrace every new day as a perfect day.

I start my day with my affirmations, and when I leave the house for work in the morning I walk down the street smiling, and I am dancing and singing inside.

Happiness is a state of mind. And when someone asks you what you want in life and what you wish for yourself, happiness should always come first. If your mind is set on happiness, everything else will fall into place. Intuition will be your best companion, and together you will march through this life being at your best.

If you’re happy, you will also automatically concentrate on the things that make you happy, and you will start or continue on fulfilling your dreams.

You will attract people and circumstances into your life that are in tune with your own frequency. So if you bathe yourself in positive energy thinking all these good thoughts you will attract more of it, whereas the complainers always attract more things to complain about since they are emitting this negative frequency. You have a choice here, and it is all in your hands.

You are the creator of your own happiness, and it does not depend on anyone else. Your life is about you, and it is solely your responsibility. Yes, your responsibility alone. It is not your Mr. or Mrs. Right or the perfect job you are waiting for that create your happiness but only you. You have to decide being happy first, and then all the little sugars will appear automatically. Depending happiness on other things or certain people leads to some kind of obsession, which then again leads to negativity due to some arising frustration.

The little hows in matters of happiness are a curse and actually not your job. That job is done by the universe as long as you tell in total faith that you’re a super-happy-cool-perfect being. But also, just like love, happiness needs to be independent, free of boundaries. It needs to be without any conditions. Everything needs to be free and simply flow.

And always remember: Energy flows where attention goes.