

These days we have become too consumed with the images that society lie on us. Society puts a lot of pressure on us when it comes to things like the way we look etc., and we start thinking just as this society. So when you look into the mirror, who do you see? Who do you want to see?
Do you want to see the reflection of some supermodel (who, by the way, is getting photoshopped all the time)? Or do you want to see yourself? Do you see you?
What are you thinking right now? “Oh, jeez, look I weigh like three grams too much! And those wrinkles…” And then you’re on the verge of walking away from that image. But hey, before you’ll become a guest in one of these Nip/Tuck-agencies, there’s one question you really do need to ask yourself: Why? Why do you really want to change the way you look?
Honestly, there is no reason and no need to! Go to that mirror and look again. Keep looking until you’ve found the real person of that reflection. You!
You are perfect just the way you are. Look at that smile! Look at those eyes beaming! Look at this beauty, this natural beauty! I see a perfect person!
And you also have to remember that irony has it about this society. They change their minds just the way the like it. I mean, today people look at me and might say I weigh too much. Me being the same me some thirty years ago would have been considered too skinny. So, which one is it? Well, actually, what do I care about what others think?! Exactly!
No one can take away that little wrinkle beneath my left eye, because it is mine. It is a sign of my happiness. Because where does it come from? It comes from me laughing and smiling in my very own way. So that little wrinkle is mine, and I am going to keep it and embrace it because it was born out of something good, and it is part of my uniqueness.
I don’t want to look like everybody else. Au contraire! I just want to be this unique me with all there is, and I am perfect just the way I am. So why would you want to change your true uniqueness? What are you afraid of?
See, there is no reason to want to be changing that image you see in the mirror. Beauty comes from your inner grace, and as long as you embrace it you can also see this true beauty of yours! Again, look at that person in the mirror. This person is smiling because it is seeing you. It is looking behind these beautiful eyes, and it is happy. Such a perfect person!
So don’t take any of these perfect features away because they are all you, and they create this one truly unique being that is you. Let your beauty shine, and your heart is shining too. So, do you feel it? Your heart is skipping a beat or two because of this non-ceasing joy it is experiencing.
Now go back to that mirror again and look at this perfect you so your heart can keep having this everyday birthday celebration. Every day there is a reason to celebrate you because you are special.
Simply appreciate who you are and embrace your beauty and being this perfect version of you. As long as you keep believing in yourself and your beauty, the rest of the world will too!

“Never neglect the person you see in the mirror. This is the only person in the world, who has witnessed the entirety of your life. This person has experienced the thick the thin, the highs the lows, the good the bad. There are not too many certainties in life, but here's one. This person will stick with you for life, so in exchange for its lifelong service make sure you place a high value on them”. ~ Patricia Nocerino