

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou

So there is something bugging you!? And what is your decision to do about it?

As with everything in life you do have two choices. One is filled with positive energy whereas the other option consists of negativity energy. Either you could dig deep into this one thing or person bugging you, get totally hung up upon it and dwell on it, or you could accept this one thing as what it is, listen to it shortly and then simply wave it goodbye; simply go back to the positive things in your life.

I myself used to be a big complainer. Every little new thing I found to be worthwhile complaining about it; and eventually this was all I was doing. I actually led to me being dissatisfied with everything. And with one existing thing in life that I didn’t like there was always another one following. It was like a vicious circle. I surrounded myself with so much negativity and did not really notice it. Hence, I did not even see the real truth behind all of this. The truth was that I actually was dissatisfied with my own life and with every little thing I did. All these little things I was complaining about actually were little indicators of this truth. Even though it was hitting me hard in the face, I did not see it.

One day, suddenly, I realized that I put all this negativity on myself, and I decided I did not want to do this anymore. I felt in my heart it would be much better to concentrate on the good things in life. My biggest object of complaints was my job and everything linked to it. But we must not forget that the work area is the place where we spend most of our time. And if that place is covered in so much negativity, then the majority of life’s contents is coloured black already. This had to stop.

Once I had made the decision on abandoning this negativity and seeing things in a much more positive light, things started shifting without me needing to do anything major. I was assigned a new field of tasks. Even though I was still sharing an office with the same people I was also introduced to a new team outside these four walls of work. New people, new duties (even though it was still the same kind of job), new everything. Even though this new challenge sort of scared me in the beginning, I was also doing the best I was able to do concentrating on the task before me. Additionally, this was my beginning for growing as a person. Suddenly I became a happier worker, and I liked going to work much more than I did before.

A few months later I was facing a huge personal challenge, which brought me down completely. Looking below the ground because I was lying on it did not really match my wishes and desires, and again I had to make a choice here. After a lot of fighting and hitting walls and being covered in fear and discomfort about this situation I knew I had to find my way out of this mess. I already had some literature on my shelf, but to this point in my life it was only catching dust. Now was the time in life to read it. I started reading and got hungry for more and more of it. It was lifting my mood and putting me back into light, the place I knew I truly belonged. Once I had accepted that it all was lying in my hands, that my life was up to me, and only up to me, I gained my control over it back, and the discomforting situation got resolved. Instead of dwelling on the negativity it brought I started concentrating on the goal ahead of me. I took the steps I could take without any distraction and casting the doubts aside. And I did it because I had some good people in my life.

The same year, the year of my personal transformation, taught me even more. I learnt (the hard way) that I have to take good care of myself in order to be a happy and healthy person. After a really needed vacation of two weeks I changed my routines. I now sleep longer and start my day quietly with a proper breakfast and a good coffee. Instead of worrying about catching the bus in the morning I rather walk. Whenever and wherever possible, stress has been cut out. Being relaxed opens the door to much healthier and balanced life. It is all little things, but as we all know little things do add up to something big. My choice is to make a big of positive.

So, everything really is a result of our own attitude. So dwelling on something negative always only attracts more negative things, because like attracts like. Hence, it is much better to concentrate on positive things to attract more positive energy into your life. Feeling good about your job helps you enjoy it more and even leads to success. You suddenly start shining, and your light is seen.

If you really don’t like your job, think of being in your favoured and perfect job. Always know that you are your perfect best at what you do, and if you want a new job, take the necessary steps getting it.

If you’re feeling not 100% healthy at all, concentrate on all the parts of you that are healthy to attract more health into your life.

This really is for everything in your life, think of the positive things about it in every area, and more good things will follow automatically. Have a blast and be the most perfect version of yourself there is. Always feel good about yourself to be the perfect you. Embrace yourself.

And just remember, like attracts like, and energy flows where attention goes.

"Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out!" - Robert Tew