

Sometimes I have wondered if we are all following some kind of mass movement instead of choosing what we really like, saying what we really think, following our guts. With that question there are some pros & cons…
But here is an observation I made the other day as I was riding the underground to work. When I arrived at the platform it was announced that the next train was only passing through. The train for your destination or stopover was due a few minutes later. When the first train came I was a bit dazzled because it obviously was not a pass-through, but I jumped on it. Other passengers remained on the platform not even second-guessing or questioning the initial announcement. And another third of passengers actually started questioning the event but did not follow their instincts. They sort of felt and knew the announcement was wrong but did not dare going against it. I observed the same scenario at the following stops.
Well, that already silences my first question about the mass movement as such, but it leads to another question: Where are we with our beliefs and even intuition? I have the feeling this is all going back to childhood and evolving from there.
As kids we simply believe what we are told since we do not know better. This is where our values and beliefs are shaped. But this does not mean we have to stick with them. Au contraire! As we continue through life our perspective shifts or widens, and it is up to some events that make or break or question these values and beliefs.
As long as we feel happy content we accept them as we know them because they suit us very well. However, should darkness one day trap us we tend to growing to believe the opposite of what we have been told. All of a sudden everything is black.
But if then we decide to rise like a phoenix from the ashes it can truly transform everything. We can also go back to who we were before, but that could actually just create a repetitive circle. Actually, I believe we then just start deceiving ourselves. Trust me, I was caught in that circle, and breaking free came as a salvation. For me it has started a rolling stone that’s growing ever so beautifully.
Rising like a phoenix from the ashes puts you on a new path of learning about life and yourself and seeing it all from a different perspective. Even so you might feel unsure about this big bang in your life, embrace it. Dare it. Listen to your mind and your intuition, and take these baby steps forward. This new road is a new road of growth shaping your well-deserved individualism, which has been there beneath the surface all along.
Furthermore, embrace your talents. Yes, your talents, they are there, and they are a part of you. Living them will add so much value and happiness to your life.
It is not wrong being a musician or a writer, because your parents declined those beliefs believing and telling you these talents were worthless since they would not put food on your table. But look around you, there are so many musicians and writers who do just that and even more so because they have always believed they could.
If that is still too big to fathom start with something small to develop that faith of yours and regrow it and make it stronger. Let’s face it, Rome was not build in one day either, as they say. And honestly, time does not really matter here at all. The only thing that counts and matters is that you rise like that phoenix and touch and embrace your light, your true light.
If something does not feel right, you have the right to question it and turn right instead of left. It is your life, and only you know best what’s right for you. Just listen to your intuition.
Sometimes you need to fall or even fall harder to grasp the beauty of life right in front of you. It took me years, and I am still learning, but I can guarantee you it is so much better, so much greater to bathe in your own light than to keep being trapped in darkness. In light, things just flow so much easier, and life is meant to be easy. Life is meant to be fun. Life is meant to be lived well.
All you have to do is take one step at a time and enjoy your ride. ‘Cos life is a joyride. Just do what is good for you – without hurting or harming others – and be true to yourself. Be yourself. Trust your intuition and jump on that train even if someone else says that it is not going anywhere (because it is meant to be a pass-through). That train is bound to take you to your destination stopping at different stations for you to enjoy, grow and progress.

He who believes shall receive.