

When people meet you, they create a picture of the person you might be in their heads. They could hit the nail on the head, or they could get it completely wrong. With the information they have about you, they even label you with a price tag. Wrongfully, I’d say.

A few dots of information are combined, and suddenly they tell you what you are worth to them by this little they know. People tend to jump to conclusions.

Here is an example: One of these illuminated dots might be the fact that you have come into an inheritance, e.g. a condo. This makes people’s wires start spinning around, and they start assuming that a private home comes with a cash withdrawal machine supplying neverending funds. And before you know it they label you as their rich friend expecting you to swim in monies.

But seriously, one thing does not have anything to do with the other. And even if that was the case, it is no one else’s business. But all of a sudden people expect you to rain your (possibly non-existing) cash on them. All of a sudden, your value to them has risen. Sadly. Then they are disappointed if they are not to have a share of the (non-existing) cake. Wham, the value goes down again. They don’t seem to see that we are all the masters of our own universe.

But there is good side. In a situation like this we learn who our true friends and partners are. True friends see what you’re truly worth by looking into your heart and seeing the shining of your soul. “True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets. It’s in the values we live and share as well as the people we keep in touch with and care.” – unknown.

All that matters is our own happiness, which is not defined by the number our bank statements write out at the end. There are even people in this world living and walking on this planet without a single dime in their pockets, by choice, and they are truly happy. Their lives are about true values and worthiness.

Everyone has their own aspects and ways in terms of living a happy life. As the saying goes, there are many ways leading to Rome. The main tool for your own happy life is what is in your heart and the way you treat your thoughts. It does not matter what your bank account says. You are who you are and do not need anyone’s approval. If people judge you or value you by the amount of money you seem to have, then that’s their ‘problem’. It pretty much reveals who they are. Based on that, you are given the opportunity to make a new choice for you.

The only responsibility you have is you. What is that you want? Find out and go after it with all the good there is.

But somehow society seems to be growing more and more into material importance. Society is creating a lot of unnecessary pressure. Briefly glance over to Hollywood, and it already tells a lot. It is a world full of plastic surgery and size zero. It is a world of people hiding behind masks. This is sowing the seeds of a future. But we still can be as individual as we want to be. Life is not about pleasing others. Life is about you. So be anyone you want to be.

And anyway, no one has the right to judge you in any means.

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” – Dalai Lama