

Just before the arrival of the new year, I read about this idea of a jar where you put all your happy memories. Even though I am not a fan of New Year resolutions I made it one having a jar just like that.

Why no New Year resolutions you wonder? Well, if you want something then NOW is the right time! There is no need to postpone anything because then you’ll always place your dream into the future.

Anyway, I got myself an empty jar and placed it on a spot that catches my attention every day. Now whenever something beautiful or wonderful happens I write it down and put that piece of paper in my jar. And this jar is filling. No matter how big or small, everything matters!

Why this jar you ask? Well, it is a tool serving as a reminder. It reminds that life is all about the good things, the beautiful things, the wonderful things, e.g. the arrival of spring, a ray of sunlight on a rainy day, a family venture, receiving good news, etc. etc. etc.

A jar like that is putting your focus on all the good things in your life. And that way a beautiful snowball effect is created. A happy thought leading to another happy thought and to another and to many more. All the little things that matter and often are taken for granted move into the spotlight and receive their well-deserved attention, too.

Before you know it, your mind is filled with happy thoughts, and you keep attracting more things and events into your life that add to your happiness.

And the jar… The contents of this jar is pieces of your heart and your thoughts, nothing of material value. It is filled with tons of joy, passion and plenty of love.

This jar of happy memories and thoughts actually is a pot of gold, and you are the one, the only one, saying, seeing and knowing how much it is worth. Its value goes beyond any price.

It simply is priceless!