

                Create your happiness. Set your mind to it. Embrace the happiness ‘cos your life, you want to live it. You’ve got to taste it, create it. It’s all in your hands.
                Once you are aware of your shadowside you can feel the light, you can bring all light into your life. Once you are aware of your shadowside you can taste the light, you can raise all light in your life.
                Dance with the unicorns. Sing with the fairies. Embrace the happiness ‘cos your life, you want to live it. You’ve got to feel it in your heart. It’s all in your hands.
                Once you are aware of your shadowside you can feel the light, you can bring all light into your life. Once you are aware of your shadowside you can taste the light, you can raise all light in your life.
                Go and feel like one in a million. Go and feel like a million dollars. Go and shine like a diamond. Paint your sky with stars.
                Go and change with the light. Get up and shine.
                “I only hear the lions roar. And the devils dance at all the horizons. There’s this malicious sound deafening everything. And I’m not rising.”
                “The sun’s a beast growing in the east, then taking a rest in the west without shining down on me.”
                “People disappoint me. People harm me. I’m losing every battle. Fate’s been making fun of me. Destiny treats me like a disease. I’m not solving this riddle.”
                “The sun’s a beast growing in the east, then taking a rest in the west without shining down on me.”
                You hear those voices. They talk to you. You let them determine everything. They make your decisions. They tell you how to feel. They are the creators of your thinking.
                And those voices in your head, they lead you. They scare you making you feel so small. And those voices in your head, they dictate you. They rule you. They want it all.
                You let these voices dim your true light. You let these voices lead your life. You sit in your dark corner trying to hide from the world outside, avoiding the internal fight.
                And those voices in your head, they lead you. They scare you making you feel so small. And those voices in your head, they dictate you. They rule you. They want it all.
                They’re creeping on your wires. They’re shaping your desires. They can kill your fire. They echo in your head.
                You always have a choice: Get up in the morning or let the day just pass. You always have a choice: Let fear take you over or be brave and follow your heart.
                Energy flows where attention goes!
                Be the love, the happiness. Be the beauty of your soul. Be the sparkle, the pureness. Play the music of your soul.
                You always have a choice: Rush by and oversee life’s beauty or be faithfully patient. You always have a choice: Be the strength and the energy or follow the low battery current.
                Energy flows where attention goes!
                Be the love, the happiness. Be the beauty of your soul. Be the sparkle, the pureness. Play the music of your soul.
                You always have a choice: Dwell in hate or spread all the love. You always have a choice. So trust your hope and soak up all the light from above.
                Walking down the road of frustration. Living in alienation. Your road’s paved with stop signs you don’t see. You don’t hear the voice of inspiration. You’re just heading for damnation just getting enveloped by this darkness you don’t really want to feel until darkness and light collide.
                So you’ve hit rock bottom. This is your opportunity to turn your life around and feel. Quit being your own prisoner. Stop being a caveman. Get up and dance life’s dance.
                Life should be your beautiful addiction, your own little nuclear friction. Go out and radiate your brilliance. Bring out your individuality. Be the love you want to receive. Build a home of full beautiful reminiscence. Have you heard darkness and light collide?
                So you’ve hit rock bottom. This is your opportunity to turn your life around and feel. Quit being your own prisoner. Stop being a caveman. Get up and dance life’s dance.
                Start your own little fireworks. Write your own symphony. Create your own sensation filled with passion. Your every thought is a sowed seed.
                When writing your story hold the pen yourself. Put your own words and thoughts on some blank paper. You are the creator. Fill the song with your own melody. Choose your own instruments long before the song ends.
                Take an empty glass. Fill it with your own water. Half-empty or half-full doesn’t matter as long as something’s in it. Every little drop counts. And it’s making a sound, such a beautiful sound of life.
                Paint the picture with your favourite colours. And a little black adds some depth.
                Take an empty glass. Fill it with your own water. Half-empty or half-full doesn’t matter as long as something’s in it. Every little drop counts. And it’s making a sound, such a beautiful sound of life.
                You are the creator, the powerful magnet. Go and enjoy yourself. You are the frequency tower. Now go after what you desire and attract more positive vibes.
                You can be anyone you want to be. You can do anything you want to.
                It’s all your design born in your mind with one tiny thought no matter if you pay attention or not.
                Envelope yourself with positive energy. Enjoy yourself. Illuminate the world with your sparkling light. Accept a hand that helps.
                You can be anyone you want to be. You can do anything you want to.
                It’s all your design born in your mind with one tiny thought no matter if you pay attention or not.
                Grow like a butterfly and spread your beautiful wings. Turn your head to the sky and feel the breeze the wind brings.
                Follow your rainbow. Learn to use its colours, all of them. Dive into your ocean and listen to your soul. Meet your intuition.
                Now go, go, go after what you want. And glow, glow, glow like the star you are. Go, go, go after what you want. And sparkle like a diamond.
                Follow your inspiration. Be the flower reaching for the sun. Bathe in the raindrops. And listen to your heart. Turn life into fun.
                Now go, go, go after what you want. And glow, glow, glow like the star you are. Go, go, go after what you want. And sparkle like a diamond.
                Now go and cross that bridge leaving your darkness, joining your light. Shine brightly.
                There’s a little bit of magic in all the good we do, all the good we share, all the good that occurs. Some might call it serendipity.
                But if you walk through life with your eyes open you can see all the wonders, see all the miracles, see and feel all the beauty.
                There’s a little bit of magic in all the good we do, all the good we share, all the good that occurs. Some might call it serendipity.
                You shape your world. You create your universe. You add all the ingredients. You call on the experiences. You decide what to see and feel.
                There’s a little bit of magic in all the good we do, all the good we share, all the good that occurs. Some might call it coincidence.
                The moon will guide you through the dark night. But as long as your heart’s pure there’s no need to be afraid. The sun will give you warmth and sustenance. Just keep the right nutrition for your beautiful soul.
                The key to life is love, the love for who are you and what you do. The key to life is you filled with all the passion and your heart’s truth.
                Love is all. Love is powerful. Love dances in your heart. You are all. You are powerful. You go and dance with your heart.
                Empower your inner peace. Listen to your second mind. Embrace your light and love. Go out and let it shine.
                The key to life is love, the love for who are you and what you do. The key to life is you filled with all the passion and your heart’s truth.
                Love is all. Love is powerful. Love dances in your heart. You are all. You are powerful. You go and dance with your heart.
                Create your happiness. Embrace your happiness.
                Once you are aware of your shadowside you can feel the light, you can bring all light into your life. Once you are aware of your shadowside you can taste the light, you can raise all light in your life.
                So go out and shine. Get up and shine. Go and change with the light.
(C) & (P) 2013 Stefanie Strecker. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, printing, republishing prohibited! 



Just before the arrival of the new year, I read about this idea of a jar where you put all your happy memories. Even though I am not a fan of New Year resolutions I made it one having a jar just like that.

Why no New Year resolutions you wonder? Well, if you want something then NOW is the right time! There is no need to postpone anything because then you’ll always place your dream into the future.

Anyway, I got myself an empty jar and placed it on a spot that catches my attention every day. Now whenever something beautiful or wonderful happens I write it down and put that piece of paper in my jar. And this jar is filling. No matter how big or small, everything matters!

Why this jar you ask? Well, it is a tool serving as a reminder. It reminds that life is all about the good things, the beautiful things, the wonderful things, e.g. the arrival of spring, a ray of sunlight on a rainy day, a family venture, receiving good news, etc. etc. etc.

A jar like that is putting your focus on all the good things in your life. And that way a beautiful snowball effect is created. A happy thought leading to another happy thought and to another and to many more. All the little things that matter and often are taken for granted move into the spotlight and receive their well-deserved attention, too.

Before you know it, your mind is filled with happy thoughts, and you keep attracting more things and events into your life that add to your happiness.

And the jar… The contents of this jar is pieces of your heart and your thoughts, nothing of material value. It is filled with tons of joy, passion and plenty of love.

This jar of happy memories and thoughts actually is a pot of gold, and you are the one, the only one, saying, seeing and knowing how much it is worth. Its value goes beyond any price.

It simply is priceless!



When people meet you, they create a picture of the person you might be in their heads. They could hit the nail on the head, or they could get it completely wrong. With the information they have about you, they even label you with a price tag. Wrongfully, I’d say.

A few dots of information are combined, and suddenly they tell you what you are worth to them by this little they know. People tend to jump to conclusions.

Here is an example: One of these illuminated dots might be the fact that you have come into an inheritance, e.g. a condo. This makes people’s wires start spinning around, and they start assuming that a private home comes with a cash withdrawal machine supplying neverending funds. And before you know it they label you as their rich friend expecting you to swim in monies.

But seriously, one thing does not have anything to do with the other. And even if that was the case, it is no one else’s business. But all of a sudden people expect you to rain your (possibly non-existing) cash on them. All of a sudden, your value to them has risen. Sadly. Then they are disappointed if they are not to have a share of the (non-existing) cake. Wham, the value goes down again. They don’t seem to see that we are all the masters of our own universe.

But there is good side. In a situation like this we learn who our true friends and partners are. True friends see what you’re truly worth by looking into your heart and seeing the shining of your soul. “True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets. It’s in the values we live and share as well as the people we keep in touch with and care.” – unknown.

All that matters is our own happiness, which is not defined by the number our bank statements write out at the end. There are even people in this world living and walking on this planet without a single dime in their pockets, by choice, and they are truly happy. Their lives are about true values and worthiness.

Everyone has their own aspects and ways in terms of living a happy life. As the saying goes, there are many ways leading to Rome. The main tool for your own happy life is what is in your heart and the way you treat your thoughts. It does not matter what your bank account says. You are who you are and do not need anyone’s approval. If people judge you or value you by the amount of money you seem to have, then that’s their ‘problem’. It pretty much reveals who they are. Based on that, you are given the opportunity to make a new choice for you.

The only responsibility you have is you. What is that you want? Find out and go after it with all the good there is.

But somehow society seems to be growing more and more into material importance. Society is creating a lot of unnecessary pressure. Briefly glance over to Hollywood, and it already tells a lot. It is a world full of plastic surgery and size zero. It is a world of people hiding behind masks. This is sowing the seeds of a future. But we still can be as individual as we want to be. Life is not about pleasing others. Life is about you. So be anyone you want to be.

And anyway, no one has the right to judge you in any means.

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” – Dalai Lama




Very often people seem to confuse being alone with being lonely, or people jump to the conclusion that if you’re alone you must be lonely. I beg to differ.

People are not, necessarily, lonely just because they are not in a relationship. I have heard people say something like “I hope you’ll find someone soon” and adding quietly “so you can be happy”. But happiness is not defined by whether you are in a relationship or not. Happiness starts within ourselves and through the way we face our lives.

Yes, it’s true, people can actually be happy even if they are single. Surprise! Let me spell it out, being single is not a disease. It can actually be a blessing.

It all starts with “What do I want from (my) life?” And it truly occurs that being on your own is sometimes really the best you can do. It sometimes is the best to be in order to get what you want from life and be who you truly are. Because being who you truly are is what life is all about. And here it does not matter if you are in a relationship or not, whether you are hetero- or homosexual. All that matters is happiness.

Sadly, however, studies have shown, that coupled friends like to exclude their single friends from social activities, for whatever reason. It might even be subconsciously. But why do you want to tell your single friend that he is worth less just because (s)he is not in a relationship? Or, even worse, why do you feel pity for your single friend?

We all walk our own path of life. No life’s road is identical to any other. So we can and must not judge someone else’s road just because it does not fit our values or worldview. We do not know where that person is coming from and what her/his life’s road has been all about so far.

Yes, singles are alone. The number 1 is included in that word. But singles are not always lonely. Being alone helps you listening to your inner voice. Being alone helps you find answers to certain questions. Being alone helps you find your inner peace. Being alone helps you reveal your strength. Being alone helps you be who you truly are.

I am not saying you should always be alone. But there is a stop on your life’s road where it might be absolutely necessary. It could help you find yourself if that is what you want. Being alone gives you all the time needed to really heal if there is something needing to be healed. Being alone helps you getting ready for your true love and the beautiful relationship with it.

Being alone is not a curse; it is a blessing.

We find out what freedom and independence really mean for us. Thus, it stops us from making old mistakes in terms of relationships. Often, at some point in the relationship unrealistic expectations fill the air, and people’s desire to want outweighs the desire to give. Many people are in a relationship for getting something out of it. But a relationship should be based on unconditional love. Being alone helps you look at love from a complete different angle, and you could actually really develop that sense of unconditional love. This then is a relationship to last.

This life’s stop of being alone should be honoured and welcomed warmheartedly. Breathe in, exhale, and let the clocks go slower. Embrace it! Embrace your individuality!

And, honestly, I’d rather be alone and happy than lonely in a relationship!