

Well, here I am on a train leaving Prague, going back to Berlin. It is nice for a change riding a train than travelling by plane. And a weekend away make you forget time and responsibilities for a while, giving you a sense of freedom. But aren’t we always free?

While in Prague I also learnt something about my past before this life. In the American Wild West I was a woman who sold her body but who also risked everything for her one true love, and so did he. It got us both killed – he was shot, and I was hanged because of this love. Somewhere in this world at some other time I was also a queen who had it all – living in a palace bathing in wealth – but still happiness was very far away. This queen was simply very lonely even though there was a king by her side. And today, today I am here. Right here, right now. And the question is what the mission of this one life is. The one goal is happiness.

Can we all be happy? I say yes, we can. As long as we concentrate on our happiness and all the joy it brings, then this is where the road of this life can take us. Happiness. And we have to live and appreciate it.

In life we have certain responsibilities. And most of us have a job, pay the bills, and raise the children. But is that all there is to life? No! One thing we must not forget on this life’s road is ourselves. At the end of the day these are our lives, not the lives of others. And that means while taking care of our responsibilities we also should take time every single day for ourselves to simply enjoy what we are seeing while for instance venturing through nature or the city. We should take time to reflect and breathe and remember our dreams. And besides, our responsibilities should be in tune with our dreams as well. We go to work and cover our responsibilities there, but, on the other hand, it should be a job that we like and enjoy.

Dreams exist so we can make them come true. If you want to be a writer, go and write these books. If you want to be a singer, go and sing your songs. Etc. No dream or profession is less valuable than any other. All that matters is that it contributes to your happiness.

Even if you have your own family and raise your children, you can still always dedicate yourself to your dreams. If that is what you really want then you will find a way. Your kids have been your dream, too, and there they are…

You don’t know what your dreams and wishes are? Well, then it’s about time to find out. During the time take some time away for yourself and listen to that little voice of yours. Day by day the picture will get clearer.

Prioritizing yourself every day also helps you keeping your balance, which will allow you to keep tending to your responsibilities whole-heartedly.

In case you find yourself in moments with nothing to do, cherish these moments as well. Some people get frustrated of such moments believing that having nothing to do decreases their value for this world. But this is not true. Such moments are of the highest value, and we should cherish them. These moments are a gift you give yourself allowing you to listen to your soul. It is always good to turn off that auto-piloting so we can listen to that little voice in our heart, our intuition. Being stuck in auto-piloting mode might blind us and we could easily lose sight of what really matters. Embrace these moments of silence and solitude, which will open the road further to the mountain top of your dream.

Your happiness always should be your No.1 priority instead of trying to please everyone else. Because truth is that you can’t please everyone. But as long as you keep in tune with yourself and your happiness, everything else will be in tune too.

Right now you only have this one life, so live it well and appreciate all the beauty and magic it is filled with.