

There comes a time in your life, when everything seems to fall apart and you seem to see the world from below – being outside looking in. And then there it is, the one big question circling around in your mind daring you for an answer: What is the meaning of this life?

Is it having or starting a family? Is it having a job? Is it aiming at good health?

One famous person once said: When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. – John Lennon

So, happiness is the key to life. Everything else is either an outcome or a tool in reaching happiness. Happiness is what inspires you, what moves you, what makes you do things. It is happiness that brings you forward in this life. It is happiness that makes you see love. It is happiness that makes you achieve things. It is happiness that takes you towards your dreams. And your happiness starts with you and only you. It does not depend on things or other people. Your happiness only depends on you. You just have to make that choice. Once you have decided that happiness is what you want for yourself, all the tools will be given to you. You will find them automatically.

Your happiness starts inside you, inside your mind. Go and ask yourself what you want from life for yourself. Find all these little things that you like and concentrate your thoughts on them. Ban all other thoughts from your mind so they can’t rule you because you only have this one life, and your choice should be to live it and live it well.

You have your values, and they are important. They define you. So never sell for less just to please anybody. As Doe Zantamata said: You can never be a nobody when you believe in yourself, because somebody always believes in you. So always believe in you. You are the most important person in your universe, and all that matters is your happiness and that you are pleased with yourself. Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.

Your life is all about finding your light, the one thing that makes you shine inside and out. Only if you spread your very own light people will see you and love you for the one you are.

Every now and then doubts may be appearing at the surface. Listen to them but don’t allow them to turn off your light. Keep the faith about the one you are and want to be. The same with fear. It walks hand in hand with doubts. So listen to them but don’t let them occupy all the space in your mind. Raise the rent and kick them out. Still, it is important to listen to them since they are telling you something. But don’t let them overtake your light.

When life knocks you down, roll over, and look at the stars. See how they are sparkling. They might appear tiny, but even though they are millions of miles away, they are shining their light so strongly. And you can do the same.

Since like attracts like, and energy flows where attention goes, it is positive minds that live positive lives. It is all up to you. It is you choice to shine your light strongly. Only you can do that. And if there is anything negative crossing your path, do not let it get to you. Instead, turn it into a stepping stone. It might be something taking you in the right direction for your destination. Or it might even take you to something bigger and better, bigger and better than you could have imagined. Sometimes a detour might even be the shortcut you were looking for. A detour might be the much clearer path.

Whatever it you wish to accomplish or achieve, move towards your destination with a heart full of happiness and love for your life. All that matters is you. And the key to life is happiness, your light.

So if you are lying on the ground, do not allow anyone to kick you. Take this as a chance since this open a new road for you and rise like the phoenix from the ashes.