

Freedom is making choices
Freedom is being myself
Freedom is loving
Freedom is living life well
As long as I am not hurting anyone
Along the way

Freedom is the power of creation
Freedom is independence
Freedom is making my music
Freedom is dancing life’s dance
As long as I am not
Putting anyone else at risk

Freedom is enjoying
Freedom is a beautiful journey
Freedom is a joyride
Freedom is being unconditionally
As long as I am not pointing a gun
At anyone trying to hurt me

Freedom is breathing
Freedom is healing
Freedom is letting go
Freedom is sometimes saying “No!”
And walking away from things
That ain’t good for me

Freedom is pure
Freedom is free of time
Freedom is art
Freedom is speaking my mind
As long as they are words not judging
Words without insulting

Freedom is being here right now
Freedom is the world at my feet
Freedom is actions of love
Freedom is faith and belief
Freedom is smelling the roses
Freedom is moving at my own speed
Freedom is expressing myself beautifully
Freedom is simply being me

Freedom is a seed
Planted in dreams
And I am making them come true
I am doing this for me
Not for you

Freedom is shining a sparkle
In the darkness
Freedom is glowing in the night
Shining your light

Freedom is uniqueness
Freedom is wearing your favourite dress
Freedom is making it your own way
Freedom is not forcing you to stay
Freedom walks hand in hand with happiness
Freedom does not know limits and time
Freedom is love
Freedom is a state of mind

Freedom is light
Freedom is a birthright