

Yesterday I went to this show, „Tabaluga and the signs of time“. When telling someone about this beforehand I was asked: “…but isn’t this something for kids?” No, it is not. Just because the main character is a dragon does not mean it is intended for children only. Nothing is. Everything, yes everything, is intended for s/he who wants to see it, feel it, enjoy it, experience it. There are no limitations. And why should I keep myself away from this dragon, who, by the way, is going on quite a huge quest – finding and understanding time? Tabaluga is asking big questions, and his journey is brought to us in such a beautiful and amazing way. This is not for kids only. This is for everyone. Two hours that take you someplace else giving you enjoyment. A huge magical moment.

In life we are accompanied by such magic, but sometimes we simply do not see it or feel it. But magic is always there. Magic is what you make it. Things and moments are magical if that is the definition you dress them in. Everything is what it is by what you define it. It is the same for example with right or wrong as well. There is nothing that is right or wrong to everyone. What is right for me might be wrong for you. What is perfect for me might be of lack for you. What is normal to you might sound totally crazy to me. Everything is what it is by everyone’s own definition.  

                People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost. – Dalai Lama 

So, how about adding some magic to our journeys? People dream of and about magic in life. How else would we maybe have TV shows like “Charmed” or “Once upon a time”. And what about Harry Potter. Mostly magic is linked to these magical wands with the magical stars etc., but this is only one way of magic revealing itself. Magic starts with each of us within ourselves. Creation is magical. It is quite amazing that we have all these technical devices. We have light, heating and electricity. Isn’t that magical already? We have grown so used to certain things and items that we have “forgotten” how wondrous they actually are. We take these things for granted. But it is all these little things that add to our experience called life. When I was little computers were a rarity, and the internet had not even arrived yet. But today they are of common use. We can’t even imagine ever having been without them. Or how about mobile phones? When I was little a landline phone was not even present in every home. Things advance, because creation is always happening.

But the greatest magical moments are the ones when we create ourselves. It does not matter at all what kind of creation it is. It could be anything scientific. It could be another new technical supply. Or it could stem from the creative arts such as music, writing, television etc. I myself am not too involved with the first two but I do enjoy the finished creations. However, I like the process of writing music. Just a few weeks ago inspiration had given me a very deep kiss, and I was sort of pushed to the piano. Before I knew I had written new pieces. This time, however, the pieces were not my classical pop songs but creations a touch more classical. Subconsciously the concept had evolved, and the second mind had decided to keep the instrumentation very thin. Instead of dressing songs in full costumes of drums, piano, bass, etc., the new pieces were to be dressed in piano and strings only. This idea moved to the full frontal conscience, and I stuck with it. I was creating and creating in the absence of my thought machine, and before I knew it I had put together 11 pieces. A more weeks of creation followed, and this whole project was in the can. I was startled. I was surprised. I was excited. And I feel proud. To me this has been a totally magical experience.

Magic has so many different faces. We just have to see them. There are so many magical moments. We just have to feel them. Magic is everywhere. We just need to identify it.

Normally, children learn from the grown-ups. But when it comes to magic we should let them teach us. Children see fairies. Children have the so-called invisible friends. But above that, children have a far more vivid imagination. They dare much more. We grow so much out of this because we are told over and over that all this really only is an imagination, not existing in what we call the real world. But what if they are right? How about the things they see exist? Children believe in magic much more than grown-ups do. Let’s bring the magic back. We have created the world we live in. Created. We can create anything.

Everything in our lives is a result of a decision made. Yes, we always have a choice. In the morning we decide what clothes to wear for the day. After school is finished we decide how to proceed this life’s journey. We decide what we drink, what we eat, what we do to and with our bodies – exercise, yes or no and how much. We choose which things we allow into our lives. We choose if we are happy or not. We choose whether or not to believe in certain things or values. It is all up to us ourselves. We choose the definition of everything. We choose to let magic in or keep it out, and we decide what magic is to us.

A sky full of stars at night is a magical view. A song that touches our heart is a magical creation. Happiness is a magical state of being. Unconditional love is pure magic in itself. The form of our being is a physical magical embodiment. We have a heart that beats and mind that thinks, and we can choose where to lead them. We can sow all these magical seeds and watch the magic evolving – growing, becoming, simply being. It is all up to us.