

Sometimes we simply do not realize that we live quite a privileged life. We have a roof over our heads. We are healthy. There is food on our tables. Our basic needs are pretty much fulfilled. But... This does not apply to all people, unfortunately. Many children are born without these priveleges of their basic needs and rights. That is why last year I decided to sponsor children with Plan International.

And this is what Plan International does:

EDUCATION: Plan helps children, young people and adults to get the knowledge and life skills they need to realise their full potential.
HEALTH: From supporting immunisation programs to training volunteers on strategies to combat malaria, Plan’s health programs help to save thousands of children’s lives every year.
WATER & SANITATION: Plan works with communities to improve access to safe drinking water and to raise awareness of the importance of sanitation.
PROTECTION: Violence against children is widespread and has a devastating impact - threatening children’s survival, development and participation in society.
ECONOMIC SECURITY: Plan helps families to achieve financial stability so they can provide for their children and plan for the future.
EMERGENCIES: From providing disaster relief to running recovery projects, Plan works to protect the rights of children and young people during emergencies.
CHILD PARTICIPATION: Plan helps millions of children to learn about their rights and take an active role in their communities’ development.
SEXUAL HEALTH, including HIV: Plan’s awareness-raising and direct response programs help to empower children and young people so they can protect themselves.